only more colorful
14 Aug
Noah and I had a conversation walking to his classroom the other day.
Me- Do you like writing your name in class?
Noah- No.
Me- Why not?
Noah- It’s boring.
Me- You know I heard someone say once that only boring people get bored. Are you boring?
Noah- Yes. And I’m not talking to you anymore.
Me- Why not.
Noah- Because you’re boring.
13 Aug
Today was Nathanael’s first day of second grade and Noah’s first day of pre-k. I like firsts. First taste of a new ice cream flavor. First time seeing the Rockies. First time hearing an amazing song. First time driving alone in a car. First time stroking the muzzle of a horse. First buds in spring after a long winter. Firsts are fun. Well most of the time. First shots are not. First speeding tickets are not. First time being made fun of for passing gas in public is not, well unless you are a 11 year old boy. One of the best things about having kids is getting to exerience “firsts” again and again. Many which have been forgotten. Simple pleasures and curiosities such as the first time catching a lighting bug or first time building a river in the sand at the oceans edge to fill up your castle moat. The not so great first can be scary, but this time around I am approaching them with some, I hope, wisdom. And maybe…just maybe with some thought, compassion, and a whole lot of prayer some of the blows of those not so great firsts can be lessened or even dodged. And maybe my boys firsts will sort of erase and help me to unlearn some of the jaded attitudes I have picked up over the years. Instead of being a big black mark my cynical attitude will become more of a smudge. Thankfully, both boys came home excited about their first day of school. Nathanael said he had so much fun. And I could tell Noah felt bigger and more responsible. He’s doing big stuff, sitting down and writing his name before he goes and plays. And I probably should mention, I had my own first. The first Monday in August where I was halfway organized, managed to complete some tasks with a pretty good attitude, sidestep depression, and remember other people are human beings just like me on a Monday. A good first day of second grade. A good first day of pre-k. A good first August Monday for mommy.
15 Jun
Noah loves to play “The Baby”. If you have played it with him you know “The Baby” can get intense. Thankfully he was a much easier baby than the one he pretends to be! The Baby started as Baby Bat. We’d lay in bed and I’d be Mommy Bat and Baby Bat would cuddle in his mommy’s wings. I loved being Mommy Bat so much a bought a t-shirt with bats on it. They weren’t serious bats though. Mommy Bat is much more serious than the bats on her shirt.
15 Jun
Some call it lies. I call it imagination.
We are all driving home from the gym when Noah exclaims I saw an “enchihuahua!”
“You did! Where?” I ask.
“We just passed it”, Noah continues.
“Are you sure?” Daddy asked.
“Yes, it was black,” says Noah.
Being animals lovers, we turn around and start looking for the “enchihuahau”. But there is not a dog in sight.
Noah says very seriously, “It went behind the building.”
Fooled again…
11 Jun
We all scream for ICE CREAM. Today, Nathanael and I found a brand new, still in the packaging, Rival ice cream maker at the Goodwill store today for $3.99! That’s less than one scoop with 3 mix-ins from Cold Stone. You would of thought I gave Nathanael the keys to his very own us Toy R Us when I said we could buy it! We brought it home and Brent was equally excited exclaiming, “It’s new. It’s even still in the plastic wrap,” as he opened up the box. Mmmm…I want organic 😉 homemade peach ice cream!
11 Jun
We are going on an adventure you can read about it here one million children
6 May
Nathanael lost a tooth yesterday. Here was his letter, ALL in his own words, to the Tooth Fairy and her, really his, reply to him.
May 5, 2007
Dear Tooth Fairy,
I lost a tooth and I have a big hole! I can fit a straw through it. I like having a big hole in my mouth. Have you ever lost any teeth? Where do you live? I’m hoping to get some money for my tooth. How do you get to our house? In kindergarten we thought you rode on a motorcycle to our house (that was not noisy). My teacher, Mrs. Stein, she read a tooth fairy story about you riding a motorcycle. I think you look very very pretty. Do you live in a mansion? I know that I have a lot of questions. Are you ok with that? Do you have a computer? Do you have a husband? Do you have Valentine’s Day and Christmas, and Thanksgiving Day and Easter? We like doing that. Do you have an office? Do you make lots of money? Do you have lights in your home?
Please answer these questions, all of them. Thank You
Nathanael Nims
Dear Nathanael,
I’m so happy to hear that you lost your tooth without actually loosing it this time… searching around the ditch at your grandma’s house was a lot of work!
I’m also glad you are finding the hole in your teeth useful by inserting a straw there. It must be nice to be able to smile & drink through a straw at the same time!
You like to ask a lot of questions, don’t you? That’s great. It’s so important to ask a lot of questions in life. I’m afraid I can’t answer all of them though, because some tooth fairy things are very secret. When I was a young tooth fairy I did loose my baby teeth, just like you. Then my tooth fairy came and took each tooth to our tooth treasury where we keep all our prized tooth collections. That’s so funny that you thought I rode a motorcycle! Ha Ha .That seems like a crazy way for a fairy to get around, don’t you think? I love to fly. I have wonderful fairy wings that carry me from place to place and keep me safe from harm. Thank you for your compliment, I think you are a beautiful little boy. My house is not large by human standards, but it is beautiful and peaceful and I love it very much. I wish you could visit but I’m afraid no human could ever venture there, it’s a secret!
I do not have computer, though I enjoy using the computers at the people I visit’s homes. In fact, I’m typing this on your daddy’s computer right now! These keys sure are hard to push though. I have to jump from letter to letter! I’m not married. I am a young fairy. We have different holidays from you but we do like to celebrate the birth and resurrection of our savior Jesus. We don’t call it Christmas & Easter though. I don’t have an office, my work is done in homes like yours where I find children’s teeth and leave rewards in return. We tooth fairies make a good living collecting and trading teeth. Of course I have lights in my home, I especially like to use candles.
Thank you for the beautiful tooth.
God Bless You
The Tooth Fairy
5 May
We spent Thursday evening in Santa Barbara as family at our friend’s, Casson and Anna, art gallery opening. (There are some pictures.) Nathanael and Noah had fun time looking at the art in the gallery, eating chocolates, running around the fountain in the courtyard (which Noah fell into to…brrr.), eating chocolates, chasing other kids, and eating chocolates. After the opening, we decided to have dinner with friends at Chef Karim’s, a Moroccan restaurant. For those of you who have never experienced eating at a Moroccan restaurant there are usually a few key differences. They typically wash your hands at the table. You often sit on the floor or on cushions or benches around a low table. You eat with your hands. And there is usually….a belly dancer. Which brings me to the point of this post. We had just finished our appetizers when the belly dancer came out to entertain us whirling and snaking around the room with her scarves and finger cymbals. A happy and playful dancer, probably about 50, she kept asking Nathanael and Noah to dance with her. Each time the looked wide eyed and shook their heads no as if asking them if they wanted to kiss a cobra. Across the room a large party of about 20-30 decided to liven up the restaurant and got up to dance with the belly dancer. At which point the host came over and asked me to join them on the floor. I reluctantly got up and after a moment motioned for my crew to join me. Brent got up to get his groove on and, as most of you know, Noah was then only a step behind. Noah ran up and began to dance and smile with so much joy that people who were having fun started having even more fun watching him. That’s when Nathanael couldn’t take it anymore. Nathanael, a usually shy child in public places, marched onto the dance floor and started doing a Moroccan version of the Can-Can. (He had just learned the Can-Can in music class that day and earlier that afternoon he had been busy teaching Noah the kicks.) The belly dancer was so impressed with his moves that she grabbed his hands and led him into the center of the circle of people. Always the artist, he danced his Moroccan Can-Can with the seriousness of a first chair violinist in an orchestra. He kicked and shimmied as hard and fast as his little body would go. When the music ended the room broke out in applause and he looked confused trying to decide if he should be proud and smile, or be embarrassed. Of course we told him how wonderful he was and then ate our meal of lamb, rabbit, chicken, and beef which was very tasty and satisfying. But not nearly as satisfying as spending the evening smiling and laughing with people I love and watching our little artist create the Moroccan Can-Can.
20 Apr
A Star Wars show is not your ordinary night at the theatre. A Star Wars show is theatre at it’s best. Darth Vader, played passionately by Nathanael Nims, battles Luke Skywalker, Noah Nims. They battle, dying and overcoming death again and again. And again. Noah Nims captures the complexity of Luke as he struggles not to be overcome by the dark side. His light saber although mostly blue, changes to red when the pressure to join the dark side becomes to overcome. Nathanael Nims taking on dual roles as Vader and the director, plays Vader with and an unmatched intensity. He astounds the audience with his amazing ability to direct and act at the same time switching roles seamlessly. You’ll be at the edge of your padded seat wondering, “Who will win?”
Running at the Nims Family Theatre for one night only. To get to the theatre just follow the post it notes labeled “Star Wars Show”.
19 Apr
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